Book Info:
Book Title: The Rise of Xosha
Series: Legend of Xosha Prequel Trilogy 1
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal
Author: S. Cu’Anam Policar
Publisher: Satalyte Publishing -
Cover Art: Pretzelz ‘N Karma Designs, Nicole Lutz
Release Date: September 08, 2013
A tale of epic proportions.
The Rise of Xosha tells the tale of Xosha's beginnings.
Where Anjyls are mortal pawns,
Dragons rule the skies,
Wolves and elves roam the forests,
and demons lurk below the surface.
Oceanus, the leader of the last hord of dragons in the
realms must find his people a new home.
Going only on the word of the odd colored white dragon,
Rose, he leads the horde far from their home, over waters that seem to have no
Pyre, Oceanus' younger, rebellious brother must come to
terms with the fact that Oceanus will never see him as anything more than a
welp too young to be of any use.
Jade the youngest of the three has her own thoughts and
inner demons to contend with.
Then there's Rose, The dragon with an amazing gift no one
will acknowledge. The outcast of her people simply because she's the only one
of her color.
Will these four ever come to terms with why they had to
leave their home?
And what strange new beings will they encounter in their new
Find out when you read The Rise of Xosha; The story that
started the legend.
One to lead...One to see...One to protect...One to Deceive.
The Rise of Xosha; The story that started the legend.
"not all allies are friends, not all friends are true, and some enemies will in turn be your greatest allies."
The Rise of Xosha; The story that started the legend.
"not all allies are friends, not all friends are true, and some enemies will in turn be your greatest allies."
This book contains mild to moderate violence, the concept of
death, insinuated sexual contact... Not Recommended for Readers under the age
of 16.

Series: Legend of Xosha Prequel Trilogy 1
Author: S. Cu’Anam Policar
Genre: Fantasy
Age Range: 16+
Length: Approx. 140 Pages
Publisher: Satalyte Publishing ( )
Cover Art: Wolf Paw Designs ( )
Good Reads:
Other Titles in this Series:
Rise of Xosha (book 2) Released September 08, 2013
Through the Gateway (book 3) Coming June 2014
Rise of Xosha (book 2) Released September 08, 2013
Through the Gateway (book 3) Coming June 2014
A strange white whelp; found by The Gateway.
The winds tell her that destruction is coming.
That the horde can no longer remain in their home;
But no one will listen.
Rose has always been different.
Being mocked, abused, and shunned;
That's the story of her life.
The gods of her people whisper a dire warning to her.
An unknown enemy seeks The Diamond Isles.
She knows the must leave, to stay means their death.
She even knows where they must go.
She has seen their "xosha" in dreams and visions.
Will she be able to convince the Oni to leave?
Or will the things the winds spoke of come to pass?
Author Bio:

An avid reader, she not only writes but helps promote other authors with blog tours and reviews of their books.
She is Pagan but respects all religions and believes everyone should celebrate their similarities and not worry about their differences.
When she has the time, she enjoys playing video games, horseback riding, singing, and writing things short stories.
She absolutely loves to make new friends so don't be afraid to come by and say hi on facebook!
Author Links:
Review Blog -
Paw Publications –
Author Facebook –
Cu’s Ebook Giveaways on FB –
Cu’s Ebook Giveaways on FB –
Twitter –
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Publishers: Wolf Paw Publications -
Satalyte Publishing -
Satalyte Publishing -
Cu’Anam’s Books:
Rise of Xosha (book 2) -
Abomination (book 1) -
Other Voices: An Urban Fantasy Anthology -
Miraculous: Tales of the Unknown -
No Sleeves and Short Dresses: A Summer Anthology
(ALL Proceeds go to BLISS an organization to help get
premature and sick infants the medical attention they need) -
Zombie Addiction: Multi Author Short Story Collection
(All Proceeds go to helping those with Orphan Diseases) -
Good Reads -
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